After and long winter, your vehicle needs a check-up to make sure it is in optimal driving condition. The winter weather conditions have been tough on the roads. This translates to potential issues with your vehicle. Take it to a trusted mechanic and have them investigate the following three items.
Roads suffer from the freezing and thawing cycles that occur throughout the winter. The asphalt expands and contracts causing potholes. It can take the road crew months to address all of the potholes so the roads are smooth again. Driving over these potholes in the spring can cause your car to get out of alignment. Driving a car that is out of alignment may result in tire damage. To avoid a potential blow-out while you are driving on the highway, it is worthwhile to have the alignment checked.
Temperature changes affect the tire pressure. Drivers often overlook the importance of verifying that the tire pressure is within the correct range. Tire pressure will impact your gas mileage, tire wear and the car's handling. Take the time this spring to verify that the tires are still at the correct pressure and if they are not, make pressure adjustments as needed.
While you are thinking about tires, have your mechanic check the status of your spare. It needs to be rust free and inflated properly if it is going to help you when you need it.
Ask the mechanic to check on your fluids. Do you need the wiper fluid topped off? Are you due for an oil change? What about other fluids? Your mechanic can appropriately top off all fluids so your car is in prime driving condition.
Ensuring that your car is in good working order will allow you to enjoy safe travels throughout the spring and summer.
Is your car ready for the season? Call us for more information on auto insurance.